Tantalus Estate
Tantalus Estate is an established vineyard nestled in the idyllic Onetangi Valley, a world-class winemaking region situated on Waiheke Island, 18km east of Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.
The 8.3 hectare property is anchored by a significant wetland depression which feeds to the farthest-reaching channels of Okahuiti Creek, drawing freshwater from the Onetangi Valley southward, out into the Hauraki Gulf.
The wetland, a preserved slice of the valley's historical ecology, required a regenerative approach having faced significant disruption and depreciation in recent decades. In response to this, a staged masterplan was developed to not only enhance but expand the existing pocket of wetland environ, looking to restore natural ecological flows and rhythms, with the overall design emphasising resiliency.
To date, over five thousand native plants have been reintroduced into the wetland and upon its surrounding banks, layering established trees, sedges, grasses, ferns, and shrubs. Significant research was undertaken to ensure that the design represented the best interests of not only the client but equally the resident fauna, looking to encourage increased habitat for native invertebrates and birds.
The masterplan also introduced an extensive raised boardwalk to allow visitors to meander through the wetland, designed to navigate walkers around existing native trees and along the incised channel of mercurial water, and with luck, will enable the opportunity for nature-enthusiasts to spot a glimpse of wildlife.
The wetland and its surrounds are set to be further developed over the next decade, building upon the progress already made by restorative efforts to date.
Kunzea ericoides - kanuka
Phormium tenax - harakeke
Pittosporum cornifolium - tāwhiri karo
Rhopalostylis sapida - nīkau
Sophora microphylla - kōwhai
Site during installation