X-Section Journal 2017
In 2017, Alexander Luiten and Pip Walls of Landscape and Ecology were invited to collaborate with Chantel Clayton, Danyon Robertson, in producing the seventh edition of the widely respected X-Section Journal.
The journal intends to develop and promote critical discussion around landscape architecture, from both an academic and professional viewpoint, through the lens of landscape architecture students. The 2017 issue ‘Collaborate’ best represents the original intent of the journal.
'Collaborate' marked 7 years of development of X-Section Journal, where over 100 students, 45 local industry partners, 20 academics, 15 international firms, and 21 double-blind peer-reviewed papers have been showcased. X-Section is a demonstration of the energy of both professionals and students of landscape architecture.
X-Section - Collaborate offers an opportunity to celebrate diversity and difference. The collaborative nature of the journal, where professional work is mixed with that of students, academics, artists, and photographers creates new connections and allows landscape architecture to access new industries and practices. The journal captures and becomes a repository of information and resources to draw on by both students and professionals and blurs the boundaries between the academic, student, and professional. The collaborative environment of X-Section journal helps to generate a holistic approach to learning where all opinions, viewpoints, and stages of progression are valued.
The result of the research and design was a curated, diverse physical publication that was distributed broadly nationally and internationally.
Collaborators: Chantel Clayton, Danyon Robertson, Pip Walls, Pete Griffiths